In Arabic lands, the shroff was a money-changer, a banker. Into
the 20th century, the shroff was also known to Europeans who traded in China
and India. According to The Anglo-Indian
Dictionary by Yule and Jobson, the word shroff referred to "the
experts who are employed by banks and mercantile firms to check the quality of
the dollars." The word shroff also meant the shroff's commission, his fee
for testing coins.
(Originally appeared in the MSNS MichMatist in 2006. It can be found on the Web. This version was retrieved from where I posted it April 6, 2006.)
In Hebrew, the word appears in the Biblical book of Malachi as soref. It says, "He
shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of
Levi." In modern Arabic, the word "sherif" has come to refer to
direct descendents of Mohammed through his daughter, Fatima. However, wealthy
people often backdate their lineage, and this is a claim shared as well by
those who lead the Shiites and Druse.
Some numismatists cite shroff as the origin for the word
"chop," the banker's marks found on large silver coins that
circulated in Chinese finance. Chopmarks are often found on American Trade
Dollars (1873-1878), as well as Spanish 8-reales, and other coins. Another
etymology for that word points to the Chinese "chop" meaning
"fast" or "quick" as in "chopsticks." It is true
that chopmarks are seldom true Chinese characters but rather a shorthand. A
third origin is in the Hindi word "chap" meaning a stamp, seal, or
brand. Ultimately, that word may itself be a dialect pronunciation of
Actor Omar Sharif |
Like many foreign words adopted into English, there are
variations in spelling including sharif and sheriff. Sharif is the stagename of
Michael Sharoub, known as Omar Sharif, the star of the movie Dr. Zhivago. Other variants include
sherif and sheriff. (The latter is not related to the name of the English and
American county law officer, which comes from shire-reeve.) Shroff also appears
as xeraf. Interestingly, this led to the plural xerafin, meaning the coins of
the xeraf or shroff. The word became a pun, since the xerafin or serafine was
also the name of "angel" gold coins of Portugal's Indian colonies.
These xerafine were known to and happily welcomed by colonial American
In Portuguese commerce of the colonial days, the
"xaraffo" was a customs officer whose job it was to "see to the
money." Another reference speaks of "... very wealthy carafos who
change money." The fee, the shroff or shroffage, appears in a colonial
report from Goa, the Portuguese colony in India, in 1585. "This present
year, because only two ships came to Goa, the reales have sold at 12 per cent
of Xarafaggio (shroffage), as this commission is called from the word Xaraffo,
which is the title of the banker."
Indian film star and producer Jackie Shroff |
In a 1750 report to the home office of the East India Company, a
merchant in Madras wrote: "...the Irruption of the Morattoes into
Carnatica, was another event that brought several eminent Shroffs and wealthy
Merchants into our Town..." The word appeared in many such letters through
the 1800s.
In an 1878 digest: "Shroffing schools are common in Canton,
where teachers of the art keep bad dollars for the purpose of exercising their
pupils; and several works on the subject have been published there, with numerous
illustrations of dollars and other foreign coins, the methods of scooping out
silver and filling up with copper or lead, comparisons between genuine and
counterfeit dollars, the difference between native and foreign milling, etc.,
During the American colonial era new money and new commodities
would not have been transported but for the distant attractive force of the
shroffs. Chili, tomatos, potatoes, and tobacco moved both East and West.
According to David Ludden of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Arts
and Sciences: "Europeans in the Indian Ocean system relied on this system
and on the value of money in circulation -- even as they introduced more
precious metals from their new world territories -- from which the Spanish imported
huge quantities of silver into China via the Philippines, and from which money
coming to Spain and Portugal then travelled east along the old routes of trade
from the western Mediterranean through the Ottoman territories into the Asian
trading system."
Americans who smoke tobacco may recall that Camel cigarettes
advertise their fine Turkish tobacco. Tobacco, of course, did not originate in
Turkey, any more than tomato sauce and noodles originated in Italy. We see
England as the most powerful force in the global commerce of the American
colonial period. England pulled the tides of our shipping, but the true course
of our commerce was defined by the distant yet powerful attraction of the
This is supported by Bill Swoger's June 23, 1997, Coin World article about the circulation
of gold "chequins" in colonial America. The chequin (sekkah in
Arabic) was first a Venetian coin in the 1200s. Trade with Arabs introduced the
coin into their currencies. The coin was well-known in the 1600s. It appears in
Ben Johnson's play Volpone (1606):
"... every word your worship but lets fall is a chequin." According
to Swoger, for most of the 17th century, these gold coins came to America along
with the slave trade and as a result of our easy virtue with pirates. They are
known to have circulated in New York and Virginia. They are cited as colonial
currencies in Sylvester Crosby's 1875 book, The
Early Coins of America.
It is important to note that two relevant references do not cite
this Arabian money. America's Foreign Coins
by Schilke and Solomon and Money and
Exchange in Europe and America 1600-1775 by John M. McCusker are both mute.
It might be that these omissions come from eurocentricism. Of course, Schilke
and Solomon focus specifically on the Federal period 1793-1857 and on the coins
that had legal tender status. Swoger's underlying thesis is that the chequin
was a coin of illicit trade. Even though slavery was legal, the procedure was
supposed to be "molasses for rum for slaves" rather than the purchase
of American goods by ships of foreign flags via gold coins of heathen pirates.
Yet, undeniably, such trade took place.
Ratnakar Bank, privately owned, now rebranded as RBL Bank Shroff Arcade, Sodawala Lane, Mumbai |
Shroffs were clearing houses for the purchase, transport, and
sale of imports and exports. For over 300 years, European merchants of all
nationalities doing business in southern Asia even looked to local shroffs to
provide venture capital. By 1850, the British world economy based on the
industrial revolution and laissez faire economics ultimately eclipsed the Asian
networks of shroffs in China, India, and the Islamic lands. Even so, the
shroffs did not simply evaporate. Writing about life in Shanghai in the 1930s,
Canadian aviator Pat Patterson makes several references to "shroffs"
some of whom were merely bill collectors for bordellos.
Oxford International is Chit Fund a kind of lottery pool |
You can still find
bankers on Shroff Lane in Colaba, near Bombay [Mumbai], India. Until a couple
of years ago, The Far East Economic
Review of Hong Kong used to have a regular column called "Shroff"
about mergers, acquistions, and other financial transactions.