Monday, June 10, 2024

Jim Simons and the Quants

Being centered on mathematicians, this book was not exciting, but it was interesting. James Harris “Jim” Simons (1938-2024) earned his doctorate at Berkeley, and worked for the NSA and the Institute for Defense Analysis, before teaching at Harvard and MIT. (Wikipedia: And that is in this story, of course. The focus, however, is on Renaissance Technologies and their hedge funds (Medallion and others), the most successful trading firm in history. Simons’s background in language recognition—pattern recognition; pattern prediction—allowed him the insight to expect that correlations must exist across markets, even if causal factors ultimately remain hidden. Therefore, it should be possible to profit from trading on trends that are unexpected and unperceived by everyone else. He was right.

The Man Who Solved the Market:
How Jim Simons Launched
the Quant Revolution
by Gregory Zuckerman
(Penguin RandomHouse, 2019

The method was easy to explain: mine the data. Look at all the numbers from all the markets and seek out trends and patterns and correlations. Some turned out to be causative. Regression to the mean predicts that after some market has a remarkably bad day, prices will rebound. The prediction applies to hugely profitable days: the market reverts toward its previous level. That much is easy to understand. The rest never gets explained. 


For one thing, no one associated with Renaissance Technologies was willing to talk to Gregory Zuckerman because they were bound by deep long-term non-disclosure agreements. Aside from that, the powerhouse of the company was driven by its staff of Ph.D. mathematicians. It would have to be understood at their level before it could be explained to the rest of us. 


What can be understood is that on average, employees who invested with the firm earned about $50 million each. “Since 1988, Renaissance's flagship Medallion hedge fund has generated average annual returns of 66 percent, racking up trading profits of more than $100 billion…” (Introduction). With that money came power, of course. Robert Mercer put his ideology to work when he found Steve Bannon for the Donald Trump presidential campaign in 2016. However, Jim Simons was a Democrat. And he was not alone in that. Many of the academics in the firm were liberals and they contributed to political campaigns, naturally, and also to special foundations (some of their own creation) supporting education, medical research, and other social initiatives.


Jim Simons’s methodology was a long time coming. Computers were rare and costly. Ten years later, they acquired the first desktop computers, which were woefully underppowered by today's standards. Although he launched the firm specifically to mine data so that profits could be harvested from trends, Renaissance Technologies also employed traditional traders. The two teams often collided, with Jim Simons himself significantly abandoning the algorithms for what would be too easily called “gut instinct.” Sometimes, we just know.  Also, with that mountain of cash, and with their frequent intra-day trades, they did not need to be often right. At the peak, in Jim Simons’s last decade, with the models and algorithms and supercomputers all generating money, Renaissance Technologies was right only 51% of the time.


One aspect of the story which I believe explains as much of their success as their mathematical models, is that Renaissance Technologies adhered to the ideal academic organizational culture. Workspaces were open. Visiting around the office was common. Sharing ideas was habitual. Discussion and disagreement were encouraged. (Pages 199-203). (See also "Team of Teams" on this blog.) It was not always easy and some people never forgave others for their complete lack of social grace. Neither time nor money heals all wounds.

But we all enjoy the profits. Zuckerman presents this as a zero-sum game. For Renaissance Technologies to have profited, many other brokerages, whose clients were stereotypically “dentists” (and other middle class professionals), had to lose. It is true that every trading position requires two people with opposite expectations. Ultimately, conservation of energy (charge; spin) means that everything must be accounted for with nothing magically lost or gained. And yet here we are: 10 billion people, 50% of us in cities of over 1 million; flying around 10 kilometers above the ground or cruising on the ground at 100 kph. We could not have hunted and gathered enough to make this possible. If not for Jim Simons and Renaissance Technologies, we would each of us be poorer by unperceived small fractions that did not become the comforts we enjoy.


Two Books About Fermat’s Last Theorem 

The Remarkable Story of Risk 

Happy Pi Day of the Century 

Coins Without Realms (Digital Currency) 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Some Limitations of ChatGPT

University of Texas president Jay Hartzell declared this to be "The Year of AI." So, the assignment for my "Mental Spa Day" at work was to be introduced to ChatGPT. The first task was to compare Google with ChatGPT.  "Choose a topic to search in both Google and ChatGPT: How did the results differ? What were you looking for and which one gave you the information that you needed?" 

The two tools are different, of course, though Google does now claim to be supported by an AI Assistant. 

I asked if Gerard Kuiper ever met Beatrice Tinsely, if Otto Struve ever met Gerard Kuiper, and if Otto Struve ever met Beatrice Tinsley. ChatGPT delivered approximately the same reply in all three cases. In that, it completely missed the fact that Struve and Kuiper worked together at the University of Chicago before Kuiper took over the McDonald Observatory from Struve.

I then asked ChatGPT: Tell me about the pay warrants of the Texian Navy, a subject for which I did independent research. My work was presented as an article in The Numismatist and as a lecture at an ANA Convention (virtual via Zoom) 4 August 2020. That talk is available on YouTube here

ChatGPT's answer was at once cursory and inventive. Contrary to its claims, the warrants did not specify the period of service or the vessel on which the sailor served. The warrants were issued solely on the authority of Commodore Edwin Ward Moore. They were repudiated by Pres. Sam Houston. ChatGPT's offering is echoic of a college student writing to fill space when they cannot answer the question.

ChatGPT replied:

[quote] The pay warrants of the Texian Navy were a form of financial compensation issued to sailors and officers serving in the navy of the Republic of Texas during the 19th century. The Texian Navy, also known as the Texas Navy, played a crucial role in the fight for Texan independence from Mexico and in protecting the fledgling republic's coastline.

As with any military or naval force, it was essential to ensure that sailors and officers were compensated for their service. The pay warrants served as a form of promissory note, guaranteeing payment for their work and dedication to the cause of Texan independence.

The pay warrants were typically issued by the government of the Republic of Texas, often by the Navy Department or other relevant authorities responsible for managing naval affairs. These warrants were written documents specifying the amount of money owed to the individual sailor or officer, as well as any relevant details such as the period of service and the vessel on which they served.

In many cases, pay warrants could be redeemed for cash or used to purchase goods and services, depending on the policies and resources available to the Republic of Texas at the time. However, it's worth noting that the financial situation of the Republic of Texas was often precarious, and there were instances where pay warrants could not be immediately honored due to budgetary constraints or other factors.

Despite these challenges, the Texian Navy played a crucial role in safeguarding Texan interests and maintaining maritime security during a tumultuous period in the region's history. The issuance of pay warrants was a tangible acknowledgment of the sacrifices made by sailors and officers who served in the navy, ensuring that they received the compensation they were owed for their service to the Republic of Texas. [close]


Misconduct in Science and Research

Why Evidence is Not Enough

Springer Closes Wall of Shame

Slow Down and Think

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Fan Fic by ChatGPT (Part 3)

 Write a story in which the character of Temperance Brennan from the televisions series “Bones” meets the character of Sherlock Holmes as played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the television series “Sherlock.” They are separately on vacation in Austin, Texas. They meet on a tour of the Lady Bird Johnson Wild Flower Center. While admiring the plants and other wildlife, they see a foot under a bush and discover a body. They are kidnapped. They outwit their captors.

One of the assistant directors in my department made this our “Mental Spa Day” task  for the month of April 2024.

Assignment:  Watch this course and send me the certificate of completion:

LinkedIn Learning  Introduction to Generative AI with GPT by Jonathan Reichenta. 

1.   Choose a topic to search in both Google and ChatGPT: How did the results differ? What were you looking for and which one gave you the information that you needed?

2.   Have Chat GPT write a short story or poem with the following parameters: 

·               Use a favorite character from two of your favorite tv shows/movie/book – so, you have two characters; 

·               Have them meet while on vacation in ____________(location of your choosing); 

·               Have them describe the location surrounding them; 

·               Have them go on two adventures. 

Send me the story.

The first task was trivial and I took care of that. Then for Step 2, I started with the stories posted here earlier as Fan Fic 1 and Fan Fic 2.  I wanted to see how ChatGPT would respond. Then, I created the assignment here about Temperance Brennan meeting Sherlock Holmes. That was a three-step process: They meet and find the body. They are  kidnapped. They escape. 

ChatGPT—Botanical Bones: An Unexpected Encounter

In the heart of Austin, Texas, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center sprawled with vibrant colors and the fragrant scents of nature. Temperance Brennan, a forensic anthropologist known for her meticulous attention to detail, found herself on vacation in the Lone Star State, seeking solace amidst the blooming wildflowers expansive and variegated arrays of blooms.

Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes, the enigmatic detective with a penchant for deduction, had chosen Austin as his destination for a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle oppressive noise of London.

Their paths converged unexpectedly on a guided tour of the Wildflower Center where they found themselves admiring the indigenous flora and fauna. Insert: As they strolled along the meandering paths, each purposefully drifted incrementally away from their tour, until they are alone, apart, and nonetheless together. Brennan's keen eye caught sight of something out of place beneath a bush. She knelt down for a closer look, her forensic instincts kicking in.

“What do you see?” Holmes inquired, his curiosity instantly piqued by in response to Brennan's sudden focus.

Brennan gestured towards the bush. “There's something under there. It looks like a foot.”

Holmes raised an eyebrow. intrigued by her observation. Without hesitation, he crouched on all fours beside her, his triplet magnifier in his hand. joined her. his keen powers of deduction were already at work thoroughly engaged. Together, they carefully moved aside the foliage to reveal a grim discovery a human body, partially incompletely (and therefore hastily) concealed beneath the undergrowth.

Brennan's forensic mind immediately went into overdrive highly trained and deeply practiced routine catalogued the as she assessed the scene, noting the position of the body and any potential its forensic context. His need for self-control was defeated by his compulsion to state the obvious. Holmes, ever the astute observer, took in every detail with a sharp eye, his mind racing through the possibilities  “Murder, undoubtedly,” he remarked, his tone matter-of-fact.

Brennan nodded in agreement. already mentally cataloging the clues surrounding them. “Yes, and the state of decomposition suggests the body has been here for some time for about 36 hours but we will know more after we examine the bones.”

Their unexpected encounter had turned into a collaborative investigation, as they worked together to piece together the puzzle of the victim's identity and the circumstances surrounding their demise. [Yes, someone should write that part.] As they delved deeper into the case, Brennan's scientific approach complemented Holmes' deductive reasoning, resulting in a formidable partnership. Despite their differences in methodology and demeanor, they shared a mutual respect for each other's abilities, recognizing the value each brought to the investigation. Together, Temperance Brennan and Sherlock Holmes embarked on a quest for truth amidst the wildflowers of Austin, unraveling secrets hidden beneath the beauty of nature. [Show. Don’t tell.]

And as they uncovered the dark truths lurking beneath the surface, they forged a bond forged in the crucible of investigation—a bond that transcended the boundaries of time and spaceThey discovered the rare pleasure of being in the presence of an intelligence and passion for truth equal to—if not surpassing—their own. For in the world of crime-solving, where logic met intuition, anything was possible.

[Editing stops here.]

However, before they could make any further progress, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. Without warning, masked assailants emerged from the surrounding foliage, their faces shrouded in darkness.

Brennan and Holmes barely had time to react before they were surrounded and forcibly restrained, their hands bound behind their backs.

“What's the meaning of this?” Holmes demanded, his voice laced with authority.

But the assailants remained silent, their intentions shrouded in mystery. Before Brennan or Holmes could formulate a plan of action, they were blindfolded and whisked away, leaving behind the tranquil beauty of the Wildflower Center for the unknown depths of danger that awaited them.

As the blindfolds were secured over their eyes and the kidnappers led them away, Temperance Brennan and Sherlock Holmes exchanged a glance, wordlessly communicating their resolve to overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead. 

Despite their precarious situation, Brennan's analytical mind raced, cataloging every detail of their surroundings—the texture of the ground beneath her feet, the sounds of their captors' footsteps, the faint scent of the surrounding foliage. Holmes, ever observant, listened intently, his sharp senses attuned to the slightest nuances of their environment. With each step, he pieced together clues, formulating a plan of action. 

As they were ushered into what seemed to be a dimly lit building, Brennan and Holmes remained outwardly calm, biding their time until an opportunity presented itself.  Their chance came when they were left momentarily unattended in a small room, their captors seemingly preoccupied with other matters.

With practiced efficiency, Brennan began to work on loosening her restraints, her fingers deftly manipulating the knots. Holmes, meanwhile, surveyed their surroundings, searching for any potential means of escape. His keen intellect assessed every angle, every possibility, until finally, he spotted a ventilation grate near the ceiling.

“Up there,” he murmured to Brennan, nodding towards the grate. “I believe that may be our way out.” 

Brennan nodded in agreement, her fingers working faster as she redoubled her efforts to free herself from her bindings. With a final tug, Brennan succeeded in loosening her restraints, silently urging Holmes to follow suit. As Holmes wriggled free, they exchanged a silent nod of determination before Brennan hoisted herself up towards the ventilation grate, her muscles straining with effort. With Holmes' assistance, she managed to pry the grate open, revealing a narrow passage beyond.

Without hesitation, they crawled through the cramped space, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they edged closer to freedom. Emerging on the other side, they found themselves in a deserted corridor, the faint sounds of their captors' voices echoing in the distance. With stealth and precision, they navigated their way through the labyrinthine corridors, avoiding detection at every turn.

Finally, they reached the building's exit, the cool night air washing over them as they stepped out into the open. With a shared glance of triumph, Brennan and Holmes knew that they had outsmarted their captors, turning the tables on those who had sought to imprison them. As they disappeared into the darkness, their minds already racing towards their next move, they knew that no obstacle was insurmountable when faced with the combined intellect and determination of Temperance Brennan and Sherlock Holmes.

For in the world of crime-solving, where danger lurked at every turn, their partnership was an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.  And as they vanished into the night, they left behind a trail of mystery and intrigue, their adventure far from over.

(To be continued...)

[Not to be continued. This is worse than Neil Simon’s Murder by Death.]

Trite as the product is, it is no worse than some that I read for the ArmadilloCon Flash Fiction contests last year (2023) and this (2024). It leaves me wondering whether some of those were also the products of AIs. Like ChatGPT, a couple of them displayed the same flaw with a significant descriptor (adjective or adverb) that was repeated. My understanding is that flash fiction for a writing class is produced “hot pen”—you sit and write here and now and you have 45 minutes. In this case, however, the writers had at least one week’s notice. If they were paying attention they had two weeks. Either way, it was plenty of time to review the work, catch mistakes, and submit a better draft. Few seemed to have given the assignment that much care. Only now that I have worked with ChatGPT do I question who actually wrote the flash fiction that I judged for ArmadilloCon. And that raises other, deeper, problems.


World Peace Through Massive Retaliation 

Nerd Nation 2.0: Natalie Portman, Danika McKellar, Felicia Day.

Where All the Children are Above Average 

Observable Genius 


Friday, June 7, 2024

FanFic by ChatGPT (Part 2)

User: Write a 1250 word scene in which the character Charlie Epps from the TV show NUMB3RS meets the character Abby Sciuto from the television show NCIS.


Title: “When Math Meets Forensics: A Meeting of Minds”

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead as Charlie Epps, the brilliant mathematician from CalSci, walked through the bustling corridors of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) headquarters. He adjusted his glasses and glanced at the slip of paper in his hand, double-checking the room number. Today was the day he was meeting Abby Sciuto, the renowned forensic scientist he had heard so much about.

Entering the forensics lab, Charlie was immediately struck by the eclectic mix of equipment and the vibrant personality of Abby herself. With her raven-colored hair in pigtails, tattoos peeking out from beneath her lab coat, and vibrant energy, she was a force to be reckoned with.

Abby looked up from her workbench, a wide grin spreading across her face as she spotted Charlie. “Hey there! You must be Charlie. I've heard so much about you!”

Charlie returned her smile, feeling a surge of excitement at meeting someone with such a reputation for brilliance in her field. “Yes, that's me. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Abby.”

They exchanged pleasantries before diving into the reason for Charlie's visit. He had been brought in to consult on a particularly perplexing case involving a series of cryptic messages left at crime scenes.

As they settled in, Abby pulled up the case file on her computer screen, displaying gruesome images of crime scenes and evidence. “So, Charlie, what do you think? Can you help us make sense of these messages?”

Charlie leaned in, studying the images intently. “Hmm, this is fascinating. It looks like there's a pattern to these messages, almost like they're encrypted.”

Abby nodded eagerly. “Exactly! That's what we thought too. But so far, we haven't been able to crack it. That's where you come in.”

Charlie's mind raced as he analyzed the data before him. He began scribbling equations on a nearby whiteboard, muttering calculations under his breath. Abby watched in awe as he worked, marveling at his brilliance.

After what seemed like hours of intense concentration, Charlie finally straightened up, a triumphant gleam in his eye. “I think I've got it.”

Abby leaned in closer, eager to hear his findings. “What did you discover?”

Charlie pointed to the whiteboard, where a series of numbers and symbols were scrawled in his neat handwriting. “Each message contains a hidden code, but it's not a traditional encryption method. Instead, it's based on a mathematical sequence.”

Abby furrowed her brow, trying to follow along. “A mathematical sequence?”

Charlie nodded. “Yes, exactly. It's a variation of the Fibonacci sequence, but with a twist. By applying certain mathematical operations to each number in the sequence, we can decode the messages.”

Abby's eyes widened in understanding. “That's incredible! But how did you figure it out?”

Charlie grinned. “It's all about recognizing patterns and thinking outside the box. Math is the language of patterns, and once you learn to speak it fluently, you can unlock all sorts of secrets.”

Abby nodded, impressed by his explanation. “You're amazing, Charlie. I never would have thought to approach it like that.”

Charlie shrugged modestly. “It's just a matter of perspective. We all have our own unique way of looking at the world, and that's what makes collaboration so powerful.”

Abby smiled, feeling a newfound sense of appreciation for the power of collaboration. “Well, I'm certainly glad you're on our team. With your help, I'm confident we can crack this case.”

Charlie returned her smile, grateful for the opportunity to work alongside someone as brilliant and passionate as Abby. “Likewise, Abby. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership.”

As they continued to work together, bouncing ideas off each other and delving deeper into the intricacies of the case, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. This was more than just a consulting gig; it was a chance to push the boundaries of what was possible and make a real difference in the world.

Together, Charlie Epps and Abby Sciuto were a formidable team, combining their unique talents and perspectives to unravel the mysteries that lay before them. And as they delved deeper into the case, they knew that nothing could stand in their way.

For when math met forensics, anything was possible.

(722 words)



JAG: 10 Seasons of Military Bearing 

Nerd Nation 

Nerd Nation 4.5 

Ayn Rand and Star Trek 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

FanFic by ChatGPT (Part 1)

Write a 1250 word scene in which the character of investigator Timothy McGee from the television show NCIS meets the character of Amita Ramanujan from the television show NUMB3RS.


Title: "Bridging the Gap: When Investigator McGee Meets Amita Ramanujan"


Special Agent Timothy McGee, known for his tech-savvy prowess, stepped into the bustling corridors of California Institute of Science (CalSci). He adjusted his glasses and glanced at the room number written on the slip of paper in his hand. Today marked the day he would meet Amita Ramanujan, the brilliant mathematician he had heard so much about.

Navigating through the maze-like halls, McGee finally arrived at the designated room. Inside, he found Amita, surrounded by mathematical equations on a whiteboard, deeply engrossed in her work.

"Amita Ramanujan?" McGee asked, extending his hand with a friendly smile.

Amita turned, her face lighting up with recognition. "Yes, that's me! You must be Timothy McGee from NCIS. It's a pleasure to meet you."

They exchanged pleasantries before diving into the reason for McGee's visit. He had been brought in to consult on a complex case involving cybercrime, and he needed Amita's expertise in mathematics to help crack it.

As they settled in, Amita pulled up the case file on her computer screen, displaying lines of code and digital footprints left by the cybercriminal. "So, Timothy, what do you think? Can you help us track down this hacker?"

McGee leaned in, studying the code intently. "Hmm, this is quite sophisticated. It looks like the hacker is using a combination of encryption techniques to cover their tracks."

Amita nodded, her mind already racing with possibilities. "Yes, I noticed that too. But there's something about the pattern of their attacks that seems familiar."

McGee raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her observation. "Familiar? How so?"

Amita explained, her words tumbling out in a rush of excitement. "Well, the frequency and timing of the attacks follow a mathematical sequence, almost like they're part of a pattern. If we can identify the underlying formula, we might be able to predict their next move."

McGee nodded, impressed by her insight. "That's an interesting theory. But how do we go about finding this formula?"

Amita smiled, her eyes sparkling with determination. "We start by analyzing the data and looking for recurring patterns. Once we identify the pattern, we can use mathematical algorithms to extrapolate the formula."

McGee grinned, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of unraveling the hacker's scheme. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get started."

Together, they delved into the data, their minds working in perfect harmony as they searched for the elusive pattern. Hours flew by as they poured over lines of code and algorithms, each step bringing them closer to unraveling the mystery.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of intense concentration, Amita let out a triumphant cry. "I think I've found it!"

McGee rushed to her side, his heart pounding with anticipation. "What did you discover?"


Amita pointed to the screen, where a series of numbers and symbols were displayed. "This is the pattern I was talking about. It's a variation of the Fibonacci sequence, but with a twist. By applying certain mathematical operations to each number in the sequence, we can decrypt the hacker's code."

McGee's eyes widened in amazement. "That's incredible! But how did you figure it out?"

Amita shrugged modestly. "It's all about recognizing patterns and thinking outside the box. Math is the language of patterns, and once you learn to speak it fluently, you can unlock all sorts of secrets."

McGee nodded, feeling a newfound sense of respect for her expertise. "Well, I'm certainly glad you're on our team. With your help, I'm confident we can track down this hacker and bring them to justice."

Amita smiled, feeling a sense of pride at being able to contribute to the investigation. "Likewise, Timothy. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful partnership."

As they continued to work together, bouncing ideas off each other and delving deeper into the intricacies of the case, McGee couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. This was more than just a consulting gig; it was a chance to push the boundaries of what was possible and make a real difference in the world.

Together, Timothy McGee and Amita Ramanujan were a formidable team, combining their unique talents and perspectives to unravel the mysteries that lay before them. And as they delved deeper into the case, they knew that nothing could stand in their way.

For when technology met mathematics, anything was possible.

(743 words)



Monsters from the Id

Fantastic Voyages: Teaching Science with Science Fiction

A Moment of Science Fact as Science Fiction

ArmadilloCon 39

Sunday, June 2, 2024

ArmadilloCon versus Artificial Intelligence

In Star Wars: A New Hope, after we have already learned to like the robots, C3PO and R2D2, the bartender at the Mos Eisley spaceport cantina tells Luke Skywalker, “We don’t serve their kind here.” Luke accepts it and tells the robots to wait outside. But we have seen several aliens in the bar, some much less humanoid than others. That the intelligent robots are discriminated against is an example of the injustices in the imperfect galaxy that is so far away and yet so close to home. Therefore, it is ironic that by a new rule ArmadilloCon 46 has banned AI from the art gallery.

The rule was written by the ArmadilloCon Art Show Director, Scott Zrubek. The rule was accepted by the Board of FACT (Fan Association of Central Texas) which in May and June began crafting new rules for the convention that prohibit the participation of artificial intelligences. The convention and the art galley already have longstanding rules against plagiarism. Rule 5 says: 
“ArmadilloCon reserves the right to refuse the exhibition of any piece for any reason. Works that are judged to be libelous, plagiaristic, obscene, or detrimental to the value of trademarked characters will not be permitted. Likewise, no artwork from commercial patterns, kits or molds is permitted. If you have any questions, please contact me. If problems arise, you may be requested not to show a particular piece. (Very rarely do we ever have to invoke this rule.)”

Adam Link: Robot by Eando Binder, 
pen name for co-authors
Earl and Otto Binder
The Writer’s Workshop has no comparable prohibition. They do stipulate: 

  • Only one submission per workshop participant,
  • Only your own original work,


  • Please do not use pen names for workshop submissions, as it causes confusion.

So, if you have a co-author each must submit an independent work under their own name. Your collaboration will be on your own terms but offsite and  presumably unaffiliated with ArmadilloCon. The much more widely known and older Clarion writer’s conferences do publish collected works from their authors. ArmadilloCon does not. In fact, that limitation prevented the chief judge from sharing with me a story that was awarded first prize in the Flash Fiction contest. I read and critiqued six stories this year, but not that one. It was read aloud to us and I lost track of the storyline and wanted to read it for myself. That was not permitted on the grounds that the publication could not be shared without the author’s permission. How we were able to judge them all in the first place now seems muddled to me. 

The art show does not prohibit collaborations. It would be acceptable for a work in the traditional comic book genre to have an inker, a letterer, and a colorist – as long as one of them is not a robot because their kind is not allowed in here.

In the informal discussions after the Board meeting in May, another Board member told me that AI is prohibited because “ChatGPT just scrapes the internet and copies other people’s works.” That may well be true and it is a problem in that such work by an AI can exceed the bounds of fair use. After all, we can quote extensively when writing for publication a critical review of a literary work, whether a limerick or a novel. If copying stuff from the internet is wrong—and having had my own original work copied off the internet and presented by someone else, I grant that it can be—what are the guidelines? 

In music five notes are enough for a signature line that is protected by copyright: “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” and “I Want My MTV.”  

According to Wikipedia ( Sting was asked to perform on Dire Straits’ "Money for Nothing" as he was in Montserrat at the time. The song reused the melody from "Don't Stand So Close to Me" in the counterpoint lyric "I want my MTV." It was only after this story was relayed to reporters during promotions for the Brothers in Arms album that lawyers for Sting became involved, and later copies of the album co-credit the song to Sting. The initial pressings list only Mark Knopfler. 


And because I’d used the five notes from ‘Don’t Stand So Close to Me,’ that’s how the co-writing thing happened,” he added. “Which is fine; it’s absolutely fine with me and it worked out well. I remember quite clearly Sting coming into the studio and saying, ‘What’s wrong?’ I said, ‘What do you mean?’ He said, ‘Nobody’s fighting!’” 1Read More: When Mark Knopfler and Sting Connected for ‘Money for Nothing’ |

But then how do we evaluate Rachmaninoff’s “Variations on a Theme by Paganini”? And taken to its limit, there would be no more spaceships, no more robots, or vampires, or dragons because any writer who uses them is just scraping the literary database and cultural knowledge warehouse. 

For a science fiction convention to prohibit participation by an artificial intelligence is like prohibiting an astronaut from attending or presenting at a panel because we only want fictional space travelers, not real ones. Otherwise, we don’t serve your kind here.


All Volitional Beings Deserve Rights 

Invisible Cheating and Visible Rights 

ChatGPT and the Historical Forms of Dishonesty 

ArmadilloCon 44 Part 2