Newtonmas 2011
we ignore his religious writings, the extent of which actually eclipsed his
scientific production. His heretical Arian beliefs foreshadowed modern
Unitarianism, but he swore under oath to be a Trinitarian so that he could
teach at Cambridge.
Newtonmas 2012
English crown turned to him to save the Royal Mint. Even when they were not
corrupt - which they usually were - the Mint officials were unable to solve the
basic problem of creating and maintaining a system of money that worked. A
stern Protestant, deeply religious, and moralistic in the extreme, Newton
cleared out the criminal element and gave England a reliable monetary system.
Newtonmas 2013
and nature's laws lay hid in night;
said, 'Let Newton be' and all was light.

offered Newtonmas in a radio script for WKAR-FM East Lansing in the early 1980s
(1982-1984). In that script, I built up the imagery of a little boy born
in a small village across the sea who would grow up to bring light to the
world. When I cited the poet, I emphasized the word Pope – and then
announced that Sir Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642, the same year
that Galileo died.
Over the
years, I sometimes sent out "Newtonmas cards" to our friends, most of
whom we knew from college classes in computer science and related fields.
Our physics professor, Alan Saaf, occasionally called the McDonald’s
Quarter Pounder a “Newton Burger” (1.0 N ~ .224 lb-f). I do not
recall Dr. Saaf ever saying “Newtonmas” but he could have.
Newtonmas 2015
commonly call the Nativity scene “the first Christmas” though it was not. The
first Christ Mass could not have been celebrated before the Church existed. So,
too, did the first Newtonmas not come until 248 years after his birth.
It seems
that three students at Tokyo University started Newtonmas in their dormitory
sometime before 1890. As the undergraduates developed into graduates
and assistants, their professors were drawn into the celebration, and a more
suitable assembly hall was found in the University Observatory. By
1890, they called themselves the Newtonkai (Newton
Association; 皆 = kai = “all”) and moved to the
Physical Laboratory. There, they played games symbolic of great mathematicians,
physicists, and astronomers: Newton’s apple, Franklin’s kite, a naked doll for
Archimedes …
story comes from “A New Sect of Hero-Worshippers” published in Nature, Vol. 46, No. 1193, p. 459, 8
September 1892. It available from the publisher for $18 if you are not a
member, or it can be found online at Google Books.
Merry Newtonmas