I also drew on the allusion from Joseph Weizenbaum of the compulsive programmer as a compulsive gambler. The code developer's superstition is that one more patch, one more fix will overcome a lack of knowledge of the substantive literature of the application field.
(The slides are on Slideshare here.)
For the hackers at DefCon 512, my goal was first to overcome the common myths about security guards. We are subjected to ridicule. Self-deprecating humor works for Big Bang
Theory because we have A Beautiful Mind, Sneakers, Johnny Mnemonic, and Hackers (with Angelina Jolie) to provide depth and drama. Nothing like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit exists for private security. That pro-police propaganda is contradicted by the absolute facts that more money, more resources, more personnel exist in private security, as much as three-to-one over public policing. Most people do not know that 36 private guards died when the Twin Towers came down. I have worked with a Ph.D. philosopher, a nuclear engineer, two ministers, and an airline flight attendant. Security guards are not the buffoons we are caricatured to be by mass media presentations in service to the central government. Moreover, if you let us, we prevent problems because that is the nature of all businesses: business looks to the future; government attempts to remediate the past. My PowerPoint for this is on Slideshare here.

This is Chappell's smaller book on Wireshark. The labs are direct, step-through exercises to show how the toolbars, menus, options, and selections all work. I captured one or more screens for each lab, and made them into a PowerPoint presentation.
Previously on Necessary Facts
The Shifting Paradigm of Private Security
Private Security in the 21st Century
Redshirts: Expendable in Fiction and Fact
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